Financials & Annual Reports

Our Accountants Are Greyshirts, Too.

Team Rubicon’s funding comes from individual donors, corporations, foundations, trusts, and businesses. In order for us to serve more people around the world, we rely on supporters like you. That’s why you’re always welcome to see where your dollar goes, and the impact each dollar makes.

Everything We Achieved Together: Highlights From Our Most Recent Annual Report.

From response and recovery operations to special projects and skills training, 48,000 volunteers pulled on their grey shirts in 2022 to support communities big and small. Thanks to their dedication and your support, Team Rubicon served 23,575 people across 140 communities. But here’s what matters even more than the numbers: the people in these communities and what the service means to them.

“Gratitude is hard to put into words. But the reality is we wouldn’t be where we are without you Team Rubicon guys doing all the dirty work.”
Jack, Alaska Native Elder in Golovin, AK, after a typhoon devastated the village
Download the 2022 Annual Report
Download the 2022 Annual Report

Past Financials

Team Rubicon’s CFC number is #59162.